行事 / EVENT

落語とお食事を楽しむ会 / Rakugo Event

The event committee of the Society is pleased to announce that we are going to have a special Assembly to enjoy traditional Rakugo and seasonal menu lunch inviting Canadian Rakugo Story-Teller, Katsura Sunshine.

Katsura Sunshine (real name : Greg Robic) was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, now 44 years old. He studied classics theatrics at the University of Toronto, having played active roles as comic dramatist and music composer after that.

In 2008, he was accepted as an apprentice to the rakugo story-telling master, Katsura Sanshi (now Katsura Bunshi VI), and subsequently received the name of Katsura Sunshine as the result of his devotion and endeavour. Now he is showing his rakugo performances at major cities in Japan, Canada, and U.S.A.

Harmony of Canadian interpretation on Japan's Rakugo story and traditinal art of comic story-telling, makes his Rakugo (English & Japanese half by half) extremely amusing, interesting, entertaining, and delightful. It is good opportunity for all of us to enjoy Rakugo performed by a Canadian over special Shoka-do Bento Lunch Menu. Your participation in this event shall be most welcome and appreciated.

Event Details

June 21, 2014 (Sat)

Doors open 20 minutes prior to the show.

神楽坂 鳥茶屋別邸2階大広間
Tori-ja-ya Bettei 2F, Kagurazaka

including Rakugo entertainment & Lunch (drinks not included)

Photo Gallery